CR Taller
Taller" in Spanish means workshop, but we find it sophomorically amusing that the English transliteration means... well, taller, you know?
Here you see Terry in his natural "Habitat" (I think I might be short on sleep), with the ubiquitous coffee mug. It became so cemented to his hand that he unintentionally took it with him to Fiorella's goodbye party on Friday night...
(l to r): Triana, US volunteer; Alicia, Mexicana anthropology student (ABD); the Antsy Jantzi; yours truly; Lina Maria, Colombiana; Fiorella Rojas, Tica; Marcos, Puerto Rican Princeton student; Eric, Tico sociologist; Diana, Peruana-Tica intern; Mauricio, Peruano director of something or other. You can tell we were having fun :-)
It was highly stimulating and enjoyable to spend time with this group of smart, dedicated people all united with the common cause of eliminating poverty housing. Eric, the sociologist, would periodically jump up and draw an elegant diagram on the board that just nailed the concept we were constructing. Mauricio with his booming voice would summarize the vague ideas in very sensible terms. Lina Maria would point out the subtle implications of statements and ideas, and Fiorella would get all enthusiastic. Terry would manage to cram some fairly insightful thoughts into a few mangled Spanish phrases that somehow everyone would understand - at least, they nodded thoughtfully :-) I made sure he didn't get too off-topic...